Wellness Tonic To-Go

Daily Calm | 10 Minute Mindfulness Meditation | Be Present

Welcome to Food For The Soul’s

Wellness Tonic!

Dear Friends Fans & Soul Mates!
We treasure our Food For The Soul community and the commitment to spread inspiration. After all these years of sharing uplifting thoughts, we have decided to introduce Wellness Tonic—a monthly newsletter to bring you wellness-related topics that we hope you’ll find interesting, informative, helpful in shifting our mindsets and reducing stress levels. Each monthly newsletter will focus on a theme related to physical, emotional and / or mental health. The newsletter will feature messages from experts and news about organizations that are helping to make the world a more nourishing place, especially at this time of distancing.

What self-care practices are helping you through

this time of distancing?


Some people are taking solace in cooking, daily walks, connecting with old friends or visiting with family and friends online—an activity I strongly recommend. I consider self-care to be a critical piece.  Part of my self-care regimen has centered on my daily meditation practice which includes spreading inspiration, trying to make good food choices, supplementing my diet with nutraceuticals I love, making time for laughter and giving back to some of my favorite causes such as the Alzheimer’s Association,  Hearts of Gold and Mustard Seed Communities.


As Wellness Tonic evolves, I welcome your ideas for topics that will support you in creating balance and being healthy. Get in touch at inspiration@foodforthesoul.us and let me know what you want to learn more about!


With appreciation and love,
Donna Marie