Contributed by Joy V.



In the past few weeks, I’ve been stuck in a patch of inconsistent action at best, inaction at worst. What’s stunning about this is that what’s on my plate are things I’m truly passionate about. After some beating myself up for this behaviour, I came across this article: The Positivity Blog – 12 Powerful Ways to Develop the Action Habit.


Source: The Positivity Blog

What makes dreams into reality?

I believe that perhaps the most important and neglected thing is taking action.

I used to be really bad at it when I was younger.

Back then I usually got stuck.

I got stuck in my dreams about what I wanted to do. I got stuck in analysis paralysis due to my habit of overthinking things. I got stuck in procrastination and fear.

Things have changed a lot since then though. I have added many new habits that help me to take much more action than I used to.

I hope this article will help you to do the same.  <<Read More: 12 Powerful Ways to Develop the Action Habit>>