Contributed by Lois G.

Save-while-Shopping-300x300Shopping is one of America’s favorite pastimes. We spend trillions of dollars each year in retail. Since there is always something new and tempting available, how can we resist? By shopping and saving money at the same time.

Avoid bundled promotions. Buy one get one free deals are a favorite promotional device in many stores and consumers often wind up spending more than they originally planned. So, if you got to the store and find they are having a BOGO, instead of spending more than you originally planned, stop and take a moment and ask yourself, “Do I really need that additional item?” Just asking yourself the question will help deter you from what might be an unnecessary expense.

Be nice to your salesperson.  A lot of salespeople do not work on commission but by the hour.  It doesn’t matter to them if you buy on sale or full price.  If you are friendly, you can ask to be added to their customer book and they will call you when an item you are interested in goes on sale.

Start at the back of the store.  New items are located at the front of the store and sale items are in the back.  The stores want to entice you with what is new and full price.  If you head right to the back of the store you will find the sales racks where bargains await!

Aim for 30% off or more. Often we buy what we are attracted to even if we don’t have a need for it. Postpone your shopping for these or other items until they go on sale and look for anything that is 30% off or more. Try not to pay full price.

Ask for price adjustments.  If anything is missing like a button or the item is stained, do not be afraid to ask for a price adjustment. (Be sure that you will be able to remove the stain).  You can also ask for a price adjustment if the item you purchased went on sale within 7 days of your purchase.  Just bring in your receipt.

Do you have any shopping tips for getting items on sale?  We invite you to share your ideas in the box below.