Contributed by Dwayne J.

I used to feel sluggish every day.  I didn’t have energy when I woke up so I downed some coffee.  Then I would feel tired before lunch and have a donut.  This made me crash so I would eat a big lunch. Then I felt tired again and had more coffee.  By the end of the day, I had no energy and would end up falling asleep on my couch.  After having a physical to make sure there was no medical condition lurking, I started some new habits that have made all the difference in my energy level and have made me feel better about myself in general.

Drink a glass of water when you wake up.  When you wake up you are dehydrated.  Drink a glass of water to perk yourself up.  I am amazed at how energetic I feel just from simply drinking a glass of water. Since I am not a fan of water, I add some lemon to give it some flavor.

Breakfast everyday. How many times did I hear that breakfast is the most important meal of the day? At least a 1,000 times but I never listened. My excuse, “I’m too busy to feed myself.” Really? Now I make time for breakfast everyday such as eggs with spinach or tomatoes on whole-wheat toast; it only takes 10 minutes to make and 5 to eat.  Maybe my next healthy habit will be to eat slower.

Snack healthy between meals.  If you are hungry just eat something.  Snacking is often a signal of hunger so eat a piece of fruit or a small meal rather than a sugary snack which only results in sluggishness shortly after consuming.  If you are consistently hungry before lunch, try eating a better breakfast like oatmeal to keep you fuller longer.

Get a good night’s sleep. Oh I couldn’t do that before either because I was ‘too busy.’ Turns out I was busy watching TV. So, I started recording programs I watched late into the night and went to sleep at a decent hour every night.  Now I wake up feeling rested and refreshed.

What health and wellness habits do you recommend to your soul mates?