“Art is the only thing you cannot punch a button for.
You must do it the old-fashioned way.
Stay up and really burn the midnight oil.
There are no compromises.”
~ Leonytne Price 

Whatever the medium, looking at what someone has created, poured their heart and soul into, has the power to elicit our deepest, if sometimes indefinable reactions. Sure there are the technical attributes that art is evaluated on and then there is the sheer appreciation that comes from the one-on-one relating to architecture, sculpture, what is in a book or on a canvas. 

Which brings me to Jo Pendola who has a series of Cityscapes that have been designed with such sensitivity and vulnerability–a view of New York City and environs that’s unlike any I’ve ever seen before.  Here’s how Jo describes her work:

Dusk is magical everywhere — but as a city dweller, it is a distinct link to nature and a reminder of its persistent power. When the intense light of dusk saturates the city, it seems to say (to the city), “You’re not so tough … Look at this!…Look at me!”  When that light hits, everything in its path takes on a surreal quality, a kind of glow. It amazes me every time.  I love to exhibit my paintings in neighborhood settings (cafes, diners, bars) where the art seems closest to its source.  My biggest inspiration to paint (besides dusk) is in anticipation of the viewer’s response.  Being a romantic at heart, I am devoted to oil paint for all its history, luminosity and best of all, its smell.