by silvermarc | Nov 16, 2013 | Nourishing Nibbles
“Gratitude flows unimpeded from an open heart. When you allow it, it flows as freely as the sunshine, unobstructed by judgments or conditions.”
by silvermarc | Oct 31, 2013 | Nourishing Nibbles
“It is essential to happiness that our way of living should spring from our own deep impulses and not from the accidental tastes and desires of those who happen to be our neighbors, or even our relations.”
by silvermarc | Sep 19, 2013 | Nourishing Nibbles
“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space lies our freedom and our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our happiness.”
by silvermarc | Aug 31, 2013 | Nourishing Nibbles
“If we make it our goal to live a life of compassion and unconditional love, then the world will indeed become a garden where all kinds of flowers can bloom and grow.”
by silvermarc | May 14, 2013 | Nourishing Nibbles
“Notice what gives you aliveness and what diminishes you, deadens and numbs you so that you only skim the surface of life. Begin to say YES to what quickens and energizes, to that which brings forth joy and gratitude.”
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