DadConversations with Our Fathers is a series of real-life accounts submitted by members and friends of the food for the soul™ community.  These submissions are written from either the child’s or parent’s perspective and focus on the lessons learned from positive or negative experiences.  

The intention of Conversations with Our Fathers is to explore the many roles fathers play, reveal the nature of their influence and bring to light their real value.

If this inspires you to share your own experiences as a child, a parent or both, send your contribution in visual or written form to If you’d like a few tips on how to create your post, be sure to check out our Blogateria.

food for the soul™ has the right to edit any material submitted for inclusion on the website, with respect for, and with the understanding that the integrity of the original contribution will be retained to the fullest extent possible. Please note there is no guarantee that any submission sent to food for the soul™ will be posted.  But, be assured it will be seriously considered. The final decision about what is posted to the website is at the discretion of the food for the soul™ editorial team.