Contributed by Tanya Schiavone.

Writing is something that anyone can do.  While many people think that they cannot write and aren’t creative (beliefs we might have picked up after receiving big red slash marks on school projects as children), millions of of people have taken to writing blogs to express themselves.  Here are some tips on how you can write a blog.

Point. What is the point you are trying to make? Are you trying to give tips on how to do something? Making readers aware of a problem? Giving a first hand account of a challenge you faced?  Having a point will help give your blog direction.

Tone.  How are you presenting your idea? Do you want to be informative, serious or funny? Even a serious topic can have a funny twist if it is told from a first-person persepctive.

Audience. Who are you writing for? People who are looking for help, for a laugh, for understanding?  Sometimes it helps to pretend you are writing a letter to a friend.

Voice. Blogs might be less formal than business plans or cover letters but avoid using jargon or slang that will be too hard for peopel to understand.

Research. Check out other blogs that cover a similar subject matter and see what they are saying.  Even if there are hundreds of blogs about the subject you’re interested in, that doesn’t mean you have too much competition. Your blog will have your own voice and your own views to share.

Respond to comments. Eventually you will get some comments. But don’t worry if you don’t.  Typically it takes about 100 people to read your blog for 1 to respond to it.  When someone comments, join in the conversation and thank them for their feedback.

Don’t take things personally. Some of your readers may become angry or offended by what you wrote or they may have a different opinion.  That’s okay.  If responses are rude, take a day or two before answering and write professionally.

Would you like to submit a blog to Food For The Soul? We invite you to send it to us at or write your ideas in the box below.