Contributed by Allison M.


As a recruiter, I read a lot of resumes every day.  I have seen all different styles of resumes but it is not the style of the resume that matters but what is on it. That might sound academic but you would be surprised!  Here are four resume missteps that will automatically take you out of the running.

  • Misspelled words. You cannot rely on spell check or even your own eyes to catch your errors.  Have a few friends review your resume before sending it out.  Print it out and look at it yourself.
  • Too many bullets. Each section, job or position in a company should only have 3-7 bullets.  If you have too little, think of some other accomplishments or skills you have mastered over your career.  If you have too many, see if any can be combined.  Put the best ones first.
  • Lack of accomplishments.  Think of how you may have saved your company time or money, improved some type of service, improved a customer relationship, led a team, came up with a solution, etc.  If you list your accomplishments rather than tasks you performed, you are more likely to stand out.
  • Not customizing your resume. Look, I understand that it is annoying to adjust your resume for each position, but you do not need to change all of it.  Look at the keywords in the job description and use them.  Emphasize the skills you have that best fit the company’s needs.  This is what I am looking for.  I do not have the time to read between the lines.

Avoiding these major resume errors can help you get your foot in the door instead of being left in the discard pile.