by Donna Marie | Nov 27, 2012 | Nourishing Nibbles
“You can plan for a hundred years. But you don’t know what will happen the next moment.”
by Donna Marie | Jun 28, 2012 | Nourishing Nibbles
“Guilt, regret, resentment, grievances, sadness, bitterness, and all forms of non-forgiveness are caused by too much past, and not enough presence.”
by Donna Marie | May 7, 2012 | Nourishing Nibbles
“Wherever you are, be there totally. If you find your here and now intolerable and it makes you unhappy, you have three options: remove yourself from the situation, change it, or accept it totally.”
by Donna Marie | Mar 21, 2012 | Nourishing Nibbles
“There are times when we may fool ourselves. There are times when we can fool others. But we can never fool our body. It is the most sensitive barometer of our inner world.”
by Donna Marie | Mar 5, 2012 | Nourishing Nibbles
“Let us not look back in anger, nor forward in fear, but around in awareness.”
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