Life Lessons

Contributed by Donna Marie Circa 1960 When I was a little girl, I felt a great deal of instability–living away from home, divorced parents, a stepmother, younger siblings–being in a blended family can cause feelings of insecurity.  But through it all, you...

Scatter Love

Contributed by Hastalag It’s What You Scatter   Pondering the peas, I couldn’t help overhearing the conversation between Mr. Miller (the store owner) and the ragged boy next to me. “Hello Barry, how are you today?” “H’lo, Mr....

The Practice of Love

Submitted by Island_Girl   A friend asked me to participate in a gift she wished to give her sisters.  It was to give my thoughts or advice about life.  The request had me think of so many things and then I saw a central idea emerge, the idea from which so much growth...

Say What You Need to Say

Contributed by Donna Marie   This is the tune on my mobile.  It’s a John Mayer song, one of my favorites.  I think John’s an incredible musician.  A friend noticed the irony of  having this as my ring tone–but I digress.  This week I had some other...

Transforming Tragedy

  Imagine an event that changed your life completely then living with the belief that your inaction caused this tragic situation then making a decision that is pivotal in freeing you from a lifetime of paralyzing guilt and deep-rooted sadness.  Kermit’s Song is...