Forgotten Victims of The Gulf

In a recent update from the Gulf, Mike Di Paola focuses on the plight of some members of the community who are receiving minuscule media coverage.  To say the impact of the Gulf disaster on their lives has been devastating is an understatement.  Not only have their...

Humans Show Heart in Oil Disaster

Submitted by mdipaola I witnessed some first-class animal rescue last week in the Gulf of Mexico.  First, the  Oiled Wildlife Rehabilitation Center in Theodore, Alabama opened its doors to the press, who got to see their skilled personnel shampoo a bird.  Two...

BP’s Weapon of Mass Destruction

Try as we might to imagine the impact of the British Petroleum oil spill (the word ‘spill’ sounds so reasonable but totally underplays the nature of this event) in the gulf, it’s difficult to really understand the tragedy of such a catastrophe from a...

Animals and The After-Life?

Frankly when I read this column, I thought of The Onion.  Then I checked the sources and realized this was legit.  If you’ve ever wondered what will happen to your pets at the end of days (or even if you’re like me and never considered it), Bloomberg...