Anais Nin

Daily Treat “Dreams pass into the reality of action.  From the actions stem the dream again; and this interdependence produces the highest form of living.” ~ Anais Nin ~

Taro Gold

Daily Treat “Everything, including all people, exists through relationships with other people or things.  Nothing exists in isolation or absolute independence.  No person, or thing can arise of, for, or by its own accord.  Everything is interdependent.” ~ Taro...

Mary Catherine Bateson

Daily Treat “The reality of all life is interdependence. We need to compose our lives in such a way that we both give and receive, learning to do both with grace, seeing both as parts of a single pattern rather than as antithetical alternatives.” ~ Mary Catherine...

Animals and The After-Life?

If you’ve ever wondered what will happen to your pets at the end of days (or even if you’re like me and never considered it), columnist Mike Di Paola reports on a controversial solution in Is Your Cat, Fish, Dog or Parakeet Rapture Ready?...