
+++++++++++++++++++ When you find yourself in a rut, make yourself useful. Fold the laundry. Clean out the files. Take the trash out. Walk the dog. Join a committee. Mentor a young person. +++++ Do something that will make a positive difference. It can be a small...

A Modern-Day Dr. Doolittle

Sometimes you see an article that strikes you on many levels, Mike Di Paola (who writes on preservation and the environment for Muse, the arts and leisure section of Bloomberg News) has written such an article.  In the column, Barbie, Rambo Share a Roll in Hay at...

Humans Show Heart in Oil Disaster

Submitted by mdipaola I witnessed some first-class animal rescue last week in the Gulf of Mexico.  First, the  Oiled Wildlife Rehabilitation Center in Theodore, Alabama opened its doors to the press, who got to see their skilled personnel shampoo a bird.  Two...

Animals and The After-Life?

Frankly when I read this column, I thought of The Onion.  Then I checked the sources and realized this was legit.  If you’ve ever wondered what will happen to your pets at the end of days (or even if you’re like me and never considered it), Bloomberg...

Born Free

Did you hear about the Seaworld Orca death?  In addition to being an awful way to die (albeit possibly a quick death) I can hardly imagine what it must be like to be in captivity?  Especially performance captivity?  What if Orca just didn’t feel up to performing...