Mike Dooley

“Neither a promotion, losing weight, finding a soul mate, writing a book, nor becoming a billionaire, will ensure happiness. Nothing ensures happiness. No destination is great enough. No dream come true will do. Because happiness, that’s not present at the...

Mike Dooley

“While it’s often fashionable to dwell upon what might have been, what’s usually overlooked is that really and truly, it couldn’t have. Because, invariably, any romanticized versions of how things ‘might have been,’ are based upon...

Mike Dooley

“When something difficult or painful happens, always look to see what it makes possible that wouldn’t have otherwise been possible. Like a new adventure, a closer friendship, or …”  

Mike Dooley

“There is perhaps no more empowering belief than understanding you’re always in control of how you feel. Similarly, understanding that just because you’re not always skipping through tulips with joy doesn’t mean that something’s wrong...

Mike Dooley

“Whenever something doesn’t work out the way you thought it would, instead of thinking that something went wrong, see it as something that went unexpectedly well, but for reasons that are not yet apparent.”