Contributed by SZ



They come anytime, these strange feelings of pride –
Of joy and elation, concern and unknown.
Emotion so raw, so deep in it’s wrapping,
It’s taken my child to unwrap what’s been napping.
They come unexpected – the ballet just last night.
With each leap of the dancer,
Her small fingers clasp mine.
The joy on her face –
Through my hand to my heart,
Molts my soul as I gaze
On this jewel not yet five.
As I watch her, I’m humbled –
My throat wants to tighten.
And feelings, all hidden
Awaken, en masse.
Tears coalesce, bathing,
The dryness of my eyes.
I blink, for an instant –
And her image is surmised.
Emotions coalesce, bathing,
The dryness of my mind.
My children, as children
In my melancholy of life.
Have found me, unearthed me –
And so startled my frame.
My feelings, unwrapped now,
So basic and raw,
Awakened me to my life,
There was no struggle at all.

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