Contributed by Noreen Sumpter, Personal Life Coach
Your Assignment
Make a list of the things that are not working in your life.
Clear out resentments. Who are the people you need to have conversations with so that you can relieve yourself of the resentments that have been brewing far too long?
What kind of physical exercise can you do at least 30 minutes per day so that you will feel good about yourself?
What is the thing that you find yourself obsessing about? Yes, yes that thing, that thing that you have been talking about for a long time. That thing that you know will transform an aspect of your life and make you feel good, but you feel confronted by. Is it about your weight, lack of relationship, finances and career?
I had a conversation this week with someone who was complaining about her health and well being, mostly her weight. She said that she was fat and she was taking all kinds of pills and potions to get in shape. While she knows she should get in the gym or work out with a trainer, her conversation is that she has to lose weight before she goes to the gym because she is ashamed of being seen. I have heard this before—the idea of getting in shape before you start to get in shape.
Taking care of yourself is not just about losing weight and looking good. Taking care of yourself is in everyday things as well. What my friend is doing had less to do with avoiding the gym and more to do with not taking care of herself. In a nutshell, she is avoiding building her confidence and self-esteem. Here’s a plan to get you on your way with building your self-esteem and at the same time being healthy and well.
Take care of yourself. Make sure that you eat healthy meals. It is said the 80% all diseases is preventable by a change in diet, including a fruit and vegetable to each meal and by adding at least 30 minutes of exercise to your day.
Make an integrity list. This is a list of all the things you would like to do that you have not done. Completing an integrity list gives you power and frees you up to think clearly which allows you to be confident. Here are some examples:
- Remove summer clothes from closets.
- Remove all clothes that you do not feel comfortable in.
- Make appointments with your various doctors for check-ups.
- Request a raise.
- Renewal of licenses, etc.
- Update your closet with items that make you feel good.
- Set up an exercise plan of action.
- Remove clutter mental, emotional and physical.
- Update your mental image—now is the time to remove ideas, thoughts and reasons that negatively impact your life.
Once you have the list …
Set up an action plan. Be as specific as possible by putting things in time and space, also known as time and date.
Be sure to let us know what steps you are ready to take to expand your life, confidence and self-esteem. Until next week.
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Noreen Sumpter, Personal Life Coach works with High Achievers who feel trapped in their private life. They lack personal confidence and self-esteem. By helping them clear mental clutter and dissolve limiting beliefs, they can take deliberate steps, own their voice, speak their truth and have the freedom to live life their way. “Live Life Your Way”
“Live Life Your Way” ~
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