Contributed by Bianca, Authentic Living Guide


Life isn’t easy. Life isn’t always kind. It doesn’t always feel good. It’s not always happy.  There are times of joy and times of sadness. Each serves us. Each enriches and develops the other. The darkness, after all, is what allows for the magnificence of the sunset, the splendor of the sunrise and the promise of the new day. Allowing space for our sadness is a way to a better, richer, more complete life.

We turn away from sadness because it hurts. While it’s true that living in the sadness and embracing it too tightly can be harmful, ignoring it or pretending it isn’t part of our experience is harmful too. By rejecting sadness, we deny a whole layer of our reality. With that we disavow who we are and the fullness of what we encounter in life. Being human is to experience joy and pain. It is the sum of these that allows for and makes life whole and amazingly satisfying. It’s the contrast that allows the light, beauty and grandeur available to us in this life to be truly known.

We turn away from sadness because it’s risky. The risk is the fear that the sadness and pain might never leave, that it might consume us. There’s a finite beginning and end to everything, sadness too. We don’t forget something that’s placed an indelible imprint on our heart, but time passes and life comes back to its color, so long as we let it, even if the shade is a bit different than before.

We turn from sadness because it’s scary. Both the pain and the risk lead us to fear sadness. The truth is the sadness offers a clear view into our heart, into knowing what we value and what we really love. It offers us an opportunity to see what lights us up and who we are. It also offers us an opportunity to connect more profoundly with others as we reach out seeking comfort and as we realize we are not alone ever.

Life isn’t easy. It’s not always kind. It doesn’t always feel good. Yet sadness offers us a chance to see more clearly. We have the space to open a life that is richer, that means more. A life that is more.

Bianca Di Salvo, Authentic Life and Vision Quest guide offers soulful support in helping you hear the deepest whisperings of your heart and create a life that feels whole, balanced and personally meaningful.

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