When you find yourself in a rut, make yourself useful.
Fold the laundry. Clean out the files. Take the trash out. Walk the dog.
Join a committee. Mentor a young person.
Do something that will make a positive difference.
It can be a small something or a big something.
The important thing is —
do something useful.
When you do, great things happen.
Your mind becomes positively engaged.
Your self-esteem begins to rise. Your confidence increases.
Your sense of worth grows stronger.
And you end up truly accomplishing something of value.
It all creates a powerful, positive momentum.
What can you do, right now, to truly make yourself useful?
The choices are all around you.
Imagine how sincerely great it will make you feel.
Rather than just looking busy, give yourself a real boost.
Find a way to be truly useful.
Ralph Marston
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