Contributed by Rick F.

According to statistics derived from Facebook by David McCandless, the first two weeks in December have the highest number of breakups while the last two weeks of December have the lowest.  As the holidays get closer, we don’t want to upset anyone (or ourselves) so we avoid breaking up with someone until the new year.

You don’t want to break-up because you will feel lonely. Perhaps you will be alone for a while or maybe you will meet someone at a holiday party. Does it matter if you do not have a partner?  The important thing is to explore why this is hard for you.  Why does being alone scare you so much?

The holiday season makes you feel forgiving.  The holiday season tends to make us think in a more optimistic light. Instead of being realistic about how we feel or how our partner is treating us, we tend to brush things aside and say it’s not that bad.  Be wary of this type of thinking.

Fear of the breakup conversation.  Having this conversation is difficult, but putting it off is harder and it will be on your mind during any time you spend with your partner.  IS this how you want to spend your holidays?

Staying together just because it is the holidays is not emotionally healthy. Don’t second guess yourself.  If you have a feeling that things won’t work out, you are probably right—you are just not that into the relationship and your partner.  Somewhere in the back of your mind you might feel that something is off that cannot be fixed. This is okay. You do not need to compromise your beliefs.

Just because you are without a partner does not mean that no one wants to be around you.  There are friends, family and co-workers.  You can also volunteer time that you would be spending alone and you will find that giving back does a mind-body-spirit good!