Abraham Lincoln

Daily Treat     “I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true.  I am not bound to succeed, but I am bound to live up to what light I have.” ~ Abraham Lincoln ~

Live Long & Healthy

Contributed by Carol K. People are living longer. All you have to do is look around you to see that. In a recent commercial (“Age Stickers”) for Prudential, they represented the aging population using stickers that dramatically visualized this...

Simpler Living = Happier Living?

Submitted by carolynrose222 But Will It Make You Happy? By STEPHANIE ROSENBLOOM   SHE had so much. A two-bedroom apartment. Two cars. Enough wedding china to serve two dozen people. Yet Tammy Strobel wasn’t happy. Working as a project manager with an investment...

Quality of Life

  Many people are living courageously with chronic or terminal health conditions, often caused by genetics or the environment. Caregivers are relentless in their effort to identify ways to improve the quality of life today and in the future.  Here are some community...