Starting is the Key

———————————————– Your willingness to act, to overcome inertia, is the first step on your path to success. ———- The courage to begin always separates...

Make Change A Positive Part Of Your Life

  You must avoid breaking when things don’t go your way. You’ll always be secure to the degree that you can accept change. True security comes from being able to bend your insecurities. Recognize and accept that change will inevitably take place....

Free To Be Single: 7th Edition

Contributed by Donna Marie   When I share with family and friends how at ease I am with being single, the next statement (in the form of a quiet admonition) is some facsimile of this statement: “Remember there will be a time when you are older that you will...
Never Too Old to Learn

Never Too Old to Learn

Submitted by DMFCom3 My country is a Caribbean island state where every year millions of tourists visit to enjoy the miles of beaches for which the country is famous.  As someone born, raised and living in that country, I constantly receive good natured by...